The conference focused on just and sustainable farming and food systems in the North of England and Scotland. Run in partnership with @foodfutures and Oxford Real Farming Conference.
Against a background of uncertainty, and possibly cascading disasters, this panel provides a changed perspective for permaculture regenerative practices applicable to a range of variables and contexts. Permaculture is often used in rural settings, which don’t reflect the reality for the majority of the world’s population. This is set against an uncertain and rapidly changing world. Working with refugees, P4R has gained experience in ways of life that are, unfortunately, likely to become common. With mass migration, crowded settlements will become a new norm in urban and rural areas compounded by economic collapse, global warming, and possibly further pandemics. Permaculture has the potential through its relevance to local bioregions and knowledge, and, working through principles to meet their needs. Facing an uncertain future requires people, materials, and methods to convey these to vulnerable communities and those living in crowded environments to the point where they can manage and scale up the learning and applications themselves.
Organized by Support to Life (STL), Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM), and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH), with support of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations.
Marguerite Kahrl taught Syrian refugee women in Turkey and here talks about the follow-up outreach she has been involved in:
This spring, I co-taught a PDC for Syrian Refugee women in Turkey with Rowe Morrow and Francesca Simonetti, in the capacity of Permaculture for Refugees. I returned to Ankara, Turkey later in the year to present the Permaculture for Refugees (P4R) project as a lecturer and panelist for the conference, ‘Meet, Share, Inspire: International Conference of Good Practices on Refugee Protection’.
Particular focus was placed on the PDC course which P4R held for Syrian Refugee women in Cesme, Turkey. Francesca Simonetti and Rafif Jijeh were also participants in the conference, thanks to the support of an American family foundation. Rafif, one of the few refugees present, had the opportunity to take the stage and give her testimony of the course to an audience of government ministers, conference participants, and NGOs supporting best practices.
Milano Arch Week La settimana dell’Architettura a Milano
con la Direzione artistica di Stefano Boeri
Sabato, 17 Giugnio 12.00 / 13.30
Triennale di Milano, Giardino delle Sculture
Moderato da Sara Protasoni con Denise Bonapace, Marguerite Kahrl, AouMM, Anna Detheridge, Stefano Mirti
Milano Arch Week will begin on Monday, June 12th, with a week of events dedicated to architecture and the future of the city, with the art direction of the architect and urbanist Stefano Boeri. The event will be characterized by the participation of protagonists of Italian and international architecture.
Friday, October 14, 2016, 3 pm PAV, via Giordano Bruno 31, Torino, meeting open to the public
We invite you to participate in the informal meeting with representatives of public administration, culture and civil society, which aims to exchange mutual testimonies born from practices that act, at different levels, to overcome the precariousness in which the migrant population finds itself.
Speakers: Orietta Brombin, curator AEF, PAV; Marguerite Kahrl, Marco Regoli, Anna Tavella, Mahamd Lamen, Yussef Dawud, Seedy Ceesay, Juma Mohamed, Laila Sofi, Gruppo Con MOI; Monica Cerutti, Assessore Pari Opportunità, Diritti Civili, Diritto allo Studio, Politiche giovanili, Immigrazione, Cooperazione decentrata e Diritti dei Consumatori – Regione Piemonte; Rebecca De Marchi, curator; Valter Giuliano, journalist; Alfredo Mela, Department of Architecture, Politecnico di Torino; Vanessa Marotta, researcher LVA ong; Omar Sheikh Esahaq Suad, Circoscrizione 8; Elena Carmagnani, Orti Alti, Torino; Debora Boaglio, Diaconia Valdese; Alessia Toldo, Territorial Planning and Local Development, Politecnico di Torino.
Con MOI, following the March 2015 workshop, and with outcomes partly visible in the PAV exhibition Wild Energies: people in motion – a double solo exhibition by Marguerite Kahrl and Marjetica Potrc – was born from a collective, open process, and through a series of meetings and workshops with some teachers of the MOI school “Zakaria Kompaore” led by Marguerite Kahrl and Marco Regoli. It is a project in progress, transformative, a vehicle of encounters between people of different cultures and geographical origins, designed as a possible model of intentional community and solidarity around the PAV and the city of Turin.
Within this space is Con MOI, born in Turin in May 2015 inside some buildings of the former Olympic village – the so-called Ex-MOI area – in via Giordano Bruno, in the Lingotto district, where the group of migrant and Italian citizens is formalizing itself in Associazione di Promozione Sociale.
A foodsharing project conceived by Con MOI, catalyzes the first months of the process. The collection of unsold food from local markets, private citizens and other retailers – and without the use of money – reduces the dispersion of resources, reinvests the surplus in actions marked by the ethics of environmental and immaterial care. The expression “Con MOI” evokes, acts, the possible reciprocity and invites all people to take part in the process. It seeks and implements solutions to reformulate perceptions of self and the other, encouraging and facilitating new personal and social attitudes, both internal and external to the group itself. The project is developing with artistic laboratories, emphasizing re-creative, functionalizing, documentary and narrative activities, whose goal is to be a source of cooperative identity development and to move actions and practices in contexts of social and political vulnerability to foster a critical, and harmonic consciousness.
Group portrait of Con MOI, 2016. Photo by Alberto Autiero
venerdì 14 ottobre 2016, ore 15 PAV, via Giordano Bruno 31, Torino, incontro aperto al pubblico
Vi invitiamo a partecipare all’incontro informale con rappresentanti della pubblica amministrazione, cultura e società civile, che ha come obiettivo lo scambio di reciproche testimonianze nate da pratiche che agiscono, a livelli differenti, per il superamento della precarietà in cui la popolazione migrante si trova.
Intervengono: Orietta Brombin, curatore AEF, PAV; Marguerite Kahrl, Marco Regoli, Anna Tavella, Mahamd Lamen, Yussef Dawud, Seedy Ceesay, Juma Mohamed, Laila Sofi, Gruppo Con MOI; Monica Cerutti, Assessore Pari Opportunità, Diritti Civili, Diritto allo Studio, Politiche giovanili, Immigrazione, Cooperazione decentrata e Diritti dei Consumatori – Regione Piemonte; Rebecca De Marchi, curatrice; Valter Giuliano, giornalista; Alfredo Mela, Dipartimento di Architettura, Politecnico di Torino; Vanessa Marotta, ricercatrice LVA ong; Omar Sheikh Esahaq Suad, Circoscrizione 8; Elena Carmagnani, Orti Alti, Torino; Debora Boaglio, Diaconia Valdese; Alessia Toldo, Pianificazione territoriale e sviluppo locale, Politecnico di Torino.
Con MOI, dopo il workshop di marzo 2015, e con esiti in parte visibili nella mostra del PAV Wild Energies: persone in movimento – doppia personale di Marguerite Kahrl e Marjetica Potrc – nasce da un processo collettivo, aperto, e attraverso una serie di incontri e workshop con alcuni insegnanti della scuola del MOI “Zakaria Kompaore” condotti da Marguerite Kahrl e Marco Regoli. Si tratta di un progetto in progress, trasformativo, veicolo di incontro tra persone caratterizzate da culture e provenienze geografiche varie, pensato come un possibile modello di comunità intenzionale e solidale attorno al PAV e nella città di Torino.
In questo spazio si colloca Con MOI, nato a Torino nel maggio del 2015 all’interno di alcune palazzine del villaggio Olimpico – la cosiddetta area dell’Ex-MOI – in via Giordano Bruno, nel quartiere Lingotto, dove il gruppo di cittadini migranti e cittadini italiani si sta formalizzando in Associazione di Promozione Sociale.
Il progetto di foodsharing ideato da Con MOI, catalizza i primi mesi del processo. La raccolta di cibo invenduto proveniente dai mercati rionali, da privati cittadini e altri rivenditori – e senza l’utilizzo di denaro – riduce la dispersione di risorse, reinveste il surplus in azioni improntate all’etica della cura ambientale e immateriale. L’espressione “Con MOI” evoca, agisce, muove le possibili reciprocità e invita tutte le persone a prender parte al processo. Ricerca e mette in atto soluzioni per riformulare le percezioni di sé e dell’altro, favorendo e facilitando nuove attitudini personali e sociali, sia interne che esterne al gruppo stesso. Il progetto si va sviluppando con attività artistiche, laboratoriali, ri–creative, rifunzionalizzanti, documentali e narrative, il cui obiettivo è quello di essere fonte di sviluppo cooperativo identitario e di muovere azioni e pratiche in contesti di vulnerabilità sociale e politica per favorire una coscienza critica e armonica.