The seven wonders of Voltaggio
Interpreted by Marguerite Kahrl, narrated by the elders of Voltaggio
Saturday, June 10, 2017, from 5:00 p.m.
Via Provinciale, 1
15060 VOLTAGGIO (AL) – Italy
Commissioned by Massimo Mordiglia
Voltaggio, like the ancient and modern worlds, has seven “wonders,” which change according to different traditions but are always seven.
Marguerite Kahrl has chosen these seven to interpret in a series of watercolors:
Er gatto fuìn in t-er casté (Marten in the castle)
L’aegua di sorfi (Sulphurous water)
A santa in t-a nuvra (Saint in the cloud)
U lagu scuou (Dark lake)
L’erbo in t-er posso anco e réixe ch-i rivo fin a Mantova (Tree in the well with the roots that reach as far as Mantua)
L’orto do Fidè (The vegetable garden of “Fidè”)
L’ulmu da gésa de San Antonio (Elm of the church of Sant’Antonio)
Organized by Massimo Mordiglia in collaboration with Beni Culturali Cappuccini Genova and L’Arcangelo Associazione Onlus Pinacoteca Voltaggio. Patronage of Piedmont Region, Municipality of Voltaggio, Association of Friends of Ligurian Museums and Palazzo Ducale, Friends of Villa Croce Museum.
Via Provinciale, 1
15060 VOLTAGGIO (AL) – Italy
Marguerite Kahrl ha scelto queste sette:
L’aegua di sorfi (L’acqua sulfurea)
A santa in t-a nuvra (La santa nella nuvola)
U lagu scuou (Il lago scuro)
L’erbo in t-er posso anco e réixe ch-i rivo fin a Mantova (L’albero nel pozzo con le radici che arrivano fino a Mantova)
L’orto do Fidè (L’orto del “Fidè”)
L’ulmu da gésa de San Antonio (L’olmo della chiesa di Sant’Antonio)